Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday (1983) - U2

I first heard U2 in 1983 while driving in my car and the song "New Years Day" came on. I didn't know who the artist was but I did know one thing. This Band is awesome.

Both "New Year's Day" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday" are from the third U2 album: "War". Arguably one of the most significant album's in Rock History.

I bought the album and listened to it over and over and I KNEW these guys were going to be huge!

Now in 2006, after a huge body of their work has been established I think everone can say that U2 is, without a doubt, in both live and studio performances, the #1 Pop/Rock Band in Music history.

There are a couple of really good live performances of this song. "The mini-album "Under a Blood Red Sky" has a good version but I like the "Rattle and Hum" (am I buggin' you?) version. Incredible.

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