Sunday, November 19, 2006

The 30 Best Songs of the Last 45 Years

After listening to Pop/Rock music since 1962, I have decided that these thirty songs are the best. They either have great melody, great lyrics or have a great importance/representation of their times. In some cases all three.

I started by calling this "Keith's Favorite Songs" but that's not exactly true. There are quite a few songs I would prefer to hear than some of the one's listed but they are not really great songs.

For instance one of my favorites is "It Doesn't Really Matter" by Platinum Blonde but few would consider it a great song. Another example is "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns and Roses, but really its not all that significant a song.

I emphasise that this list is in no particular order.

I don't expect anyone to agree with this list, however for those who have not heard some of the songs or who wonder "why the hell did he pick THAT song", take another listen and see if you can't find something amazing about each of these tunes.

Asking someone what their favorite song is and most people couldn't really say, it would depend on their mood and situation at the time of the question.

I made this list about two years ago and I wasn't going to commit to a favorite song.
I've thought about it a lot and I'm ready to commit!

I think your favorite song is one you can never tire of listening to even if you've heard it a thousand times.

Yes I have started my list with it: My favorite song is: "SO LONG" by Firefall.

For the Statistically Inclined:

Sixties: 11 Songs
Seventies: 7 Songs
Eighties: 6 Songs
Nineties: 3 Songs
2000's : 3 Songs

If anyone wants to discuss my choices please email me or add a comment.

1 comment:

Ron said...

Great work. You will probably enjoy this site: They just launched a category for "Best rock song ever" ( I voted for Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody) and a category for "Best rock band ever" (I voted for Pink Floyd).